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发布日期:2023-11-29 阅读量:




听上去似乎很有道理,但其实是不正确的。中国是ICH成员,中国GCP大部分脱胎于ICH GCP,但是中国GCP在借鉴ICH GCP时有些信息遗漏,导致了理解的偏差。

ICH GCP关于受试者知情同意的要求是在4.8 Informed Consent of Trial Subjects中阐述的,其中4.8.1-4.8.4只提到了研究者或者受试者,均未涉及到监护人,承上启下的是4.8.5 The investigator, or a person designated by the investigator, should fully inform the subject or, if the subject is unable to provide informed consent, the subject's legally acceptable representative, of all pertinent aspects of the trial including the written information given approval/ favourable opinion by the IRB/IEC。在这里首次出现了“subject's legally acceptable representative”,直译是“法定代理人”,为了方便和中国GCP比较,下文中均用“监护人”指代。根据这一条款,只有在受试者没有能力完成知情同意时,监护人才适用。所谓“没有能力完成知情同意”是指没有能力在完全理解知情的内容后表达主观同意的受试者,如未成年人和严重痴呆的病人。而监护人是不适用于文盲受试者的知情同意的,因为文盲是有能力理解和表达同意的,只是无法阅读,不能由监护人代替文盲受试者完成知情同意过程。

同样,因为有了4.8.5的约定,ICH GCP条款4.8.6-4.8.15中涉及的“the subject's legally acceptable representative”均和4.8.5一样,仅适用于“没有能力完成知情同意的受试者”。如4.8.8 Prior to a subject’s participation in the trial, the written informed consent form should be signed and personally dated by the subject or by the subject's legally acceptable representative, and by the person who conducted the informed consent discussion。如果孤立地看这个条款,好像受试者或者监护人其中一人签署知情同意书就可以了,但联系上下文,我们就可以知道只有当受试者本人没有能力完成知情同意时(如未成年人),才可以由其监护人签署知情同意书。所以,监护人是不能代替文盲受试者签署知情同意书的,如果受试者是文盲,则需由见证人参与知情同意过程并签署知情同意书(具体规定参见ICH GCP4.8.9和中国GCP第二十三条(八))。

至于文首提到的中国GCP第二十三条(七)和ICH GCP4.8.8所要表达的是一个意思。所以,基于以上的分析,不能够依据中国GCP第二十三条(七),而让监护人代替文盲受试者来签署知情同意书。这不符合ICH GCP,也不符合中国GCP的主旨。

大家之所以对第二十三条(七)这一条款产生误解,主要是中国GCP在借鉴ICH GCP4.8.5时遗漏了监护人的适用场景。在中国GCP中,和ICH GCP4.8.5相对应的条款是第二十三条(四)“研究者或者指定研究人员应当充分告知受试者有关临床试验的所有相关事宜,包括书面信息和伦理委员会的同意意见”。与ICH GCP4.8.5相比,这里未提及监护人,也就未说明监护人的适用场景 “The investigator should fully inform the subject or, if the subject is unable to provide informed consent, the subject's legally acceptable representative”,以至于大家在理解后续条款(第二十三条(五)-(九))中的“监护人”会有误解或者困惑。直到第二十三条(十)才补充了监护人的适用场景:“受试者为无民事行为能力的,应当取得其监护人的书面知情同意;受试者为限制民事行为能力的人的,应当取得本人及其监护人的书面知情同意。”,但因为顺序倒置,导致大家在理解之前条款中的“监护人”时,未能考虑到其也只适用于无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力的受试者。



中国GCP:第二十三条  研究者实施知情同意,应当遵守赫尔辛基宣言的伦理原则,并符合以下要求:
















ICH GCP: 4.8 Informed Consent of Trial Subjects

4.8.1 In obtaining and documenting informed consent, the investigator should comply with the applicable regulatory requirement(s), and should adhere to GCP and to the ethical principles that have their origin in the Declaration of Helsinki. Prior to the beginning of the trial, the investigator should have the IRB/IEC's written approval/favourable opinion of the written informed consent form and any other written information to be provided to subjects.

4.8.2 The written informed consent form and any other written information to be provided to subjects should be revised whenever important new information becomes available that may be relevant to the subject’s consent. Any revised written informed consent form, and written information should receive the IRB/IEC's approval/favourable opinion in advance of use. The subject or the subject’s legally acceptable representative should be informed in a timely manner if new information becomes available that may be relevant to the subject’s willingness to continue participation in the trial. The communication of this information should be documented.

4.8.3 Neither the investigator, nor the trial staff, should coerce or unduly influence a subject to participate or to continue to participate in a trial.

4.8.4 None of the oral and written information concerning the trial, including the written informed consent form, should contain any language that causes the subject or the subject's legally acceptable representative to waive or to appear to waive any legal rights, or that releases or appears to release the investigator, the institution, the sponsor, or their agents from liability for negligence.

4.8.5 The investigator, or a person designated by the investigator, should fully inform the subject or, if the subject is unable to provide informed consent, the subject's legally acceptable representative, of all pertinent aspects of the trial including the written information given approval/ favourable opinion by the IRB/IEC.

4.8.6 The language used in the oral and written information about the trial, including the written informed consent form, should be as non-technical as practical and should be understandable to the subject or the subject's legally acceptable representative and the impartial witness, where applicable.

4.8.7 Before informed consent may be obtained, the investigator, or a person designated by the investigator, should provide the subject or the subject's legally acceptable representative ample time and opportunity to inquire about details of the trial and to decide whether or not to participate in the trial. All questions about the trial should be answered to the satisfaction of the subject or the subject's legally acceptable representative.

4.8.8 Prior to a subject’s participation in the trial, the written informed consent form should be signed and personally dated by the subject or by the subject's legally acceptable representative, and by the person who conducted the informed consent discussion.

4.8.9 If a subject is unable to read or if a legally acceptable representative is unable to read, an impartial witness should be present during the entire informed consent discussion. After the written informed consent form and any other written information to be provided to subjects, is read and explained to the subject or the subject’s legally acceptable representative, and after the subject or the subject’s legally acceptable representative has orally consented to the subject’s participation in the trial and, if capable of doing so, has signed and personally dated the informed consent form, the witness should sign and personally date the consent form. By signing the consent form, the witness attests that the information in the consent form and any other written information was accurately explained to, and apparently understood by, the subject or the subject's legally acceptable representative, and that informed consent was freely given by the subject or the subject’s legally acceptable representative.

4.8.10 Both the informed consent discussion and the written informed consent form and any other written information to be provided to subjects should include explanations of the following:

4.8.11 Prior to participation in the trial, the subject or the subject's legally acceptable representative should receive a copy of the signed and dated written informed consent form and any other written information provided to the subjects. During a subject’s participation in the trial, the subject or the subject’s legally acceptable representative should receive a copy of the signed and dated consent form updates and a copy of any amendments to the written information provided to subjects.

4.8.12 When a clinical trial (therapeutic or non-therapeutic) includes subjects who can only be enrolled in the trial with the consent of the subject’s legally acceptable representative (e.g., minors, or patients with severe dementia), the subject should be informed about the trial to the extent compatible with the subject’s understanding and, if capable, the subject should sign and personally date the written informed consent.

4.8.13 Except as described in 4.8.14, a non-therapeutic trial (i.e. a trial in which there is no anticipated direct clinical benefit to the subject), should be conducted in subjects who personally give consent and who sign and date the written informed consent form.

4.8.14 Non-therapeutic trials may be conducted in subjects with consent of a legally acceptable representative provided the following conditions are fulfilled:

(a) The objectives of the trial can not be met by means of a trial in subjects who can give informed consent personally.

(b) The foreseeable risks to the subjects are low.

(c) The negative impact on the subject’s well-being is minimized and low.

(d) The trial is not prohibited by law.

(e) The approval/favourable opinion of the IRB/IEC is expressly sought on the inclusion of such subjects, and the written approval/ favourable opinion covers this aspect.

Such trials, unless an exception is justified, should be conducted in patients having a disease or condition for which the investigational product is intended. Subjects in these trials should be particularly closely monitored and should be withdrawn if they appear to be unduly distressed.

4.8.15 In emergency situations, when prior consent of the subject is not possible, the consent of the subject's legally acceptable representative, if present, should be requested. When prior consent of the subject is not possible, and the subject’s legally acceptable representative is not available, enrolment of the subject should require measures described in the protocol and/or elsewhere, with documented approval/favourable opinion by the IRB/IEC, to protect the rights, safety and well-being of the subject and to ensure compliance with applicable regulatory requirements. The subject or the subject's legally acceptable representative should be informed about the trial as soon as possible and consent to continue and other consent as appropriate (see 4.8.10) should be requested.












